Education in the metaverse

What exactly is this buzz word ‘Metaverse’ about? How can it be related to education and, more specifically, Chances are there are more questions, but let me get started with the ones above. If you come up with questions, or would like to add something as you read the article, I invite you to use the comments to voice them.

It goes without saying that the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the education sector. Approximately 1.6 billion students from 192 countries, or 91 per cent of the world’s student population, have experienced educational disruptions.

As we all know, this disruption led to online education hastily emerging as an important new platform. However, approximately 29 percent of young people worldwide, about 364 million individuals, are not online. In many ways, the digital divide is now wider than ever.

we aim to go beyond online education by creating a “metaverse” that provides assistance for running classes and creates an immersive learning experience that runs the gamut of campus activities while using the latest digital technologies.

What is Metaverse?

Metaverse is basically a fictional universe that connects with our reality. In other words, it is another universe accessed virtually, and the combination of this virtual universe and the actual universe make up the term metaverse. Metaverse can be a virtual platform where users can enjoy a virtual society where people can gather to work, play, or socialize.

Possibilities of Education in Metaverse

Due to Covid19, the entire world has effectively taken part in an online educational experiment, and at FBS Education we were able to confirm that blended education worked effectively for our students. It made up for the long-standing pedagogical shortfalls of the one-way delivery of knowledge and made it possible to shift to a learner-centric model, giving us a great opportunity to unlock the creativity and collaborative minds of our students.

Education tailored to students’ individual levels will not only help them accumulate knowledge but improve their ability to use it. As such, whether teaching is in person, online, through blended learning or Metaverse. This means the key priorities remain in student engagement and their learning experience. 

How to Get There?

Hence the building up the Metaverse education ecosystem call for G2B and B2B grapevine collaborations between companies where the goal is to build mutually beneficial education offerings that will sustain growth and add significant value to all stakeholders involved. This could be in the form of metaverse education ecosystem, teaching & learning that is fully integrated into Metaverse.

At the same time, without B2B grapevine collaborations, the education industry alone will probably not be able to develop and offer education products that are fully integrated in the Metaverse. Even top-notch universities will probably not be able to do that alone.

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